18 November 2010

Togetherness Meditation - Day 120

Hello again Crew!

A flu and migraine epidemic took over the #OMCru's control bridge today, preventing us from properly updating the blog earlier.

But still the fearless Crew has bravely manned their meditative battle stations keeping the shout-outs to Stop, Drop, Meditate flowing all day long. Well done everyone!

The evening and after-dark crews are ready and waiting to send out their daily meetup calls, so keep an eye open for the #OMCru hashtag to pop up in your Twitter timeline inviting you to share a moment of mindfulness with the #Twangha.

And taking advantage of our current health status, here's our community-fostering question for today:

How difficult/easy is it for you to follow your practice when dealing with illness?

Tons of heavy metta for you all, CREW! _/|\_ :-) \m/

1 comment:

  1. Not easy I'm afraid. I get depressed and then don't feel like chanting although if I chant I will probably feel better. Need to work on this.
